When you want to lose weight paying attention to what you eat matters. Yes in terms of calories but equally important in terms of how filling and nutrient-dense the food is. Food is your natural appetite suppressant. Consuming simple carbs will have you hungry (and hangry) again in a hour or so, cravings creep up on you and the hunger pangs strike. No matter your good intentions you end up eating more calories than expected. Find out what foods make the best natural appetite suppressants.


Think fibre and think protein. Unlike simple carbs these macronutrients take time to be digested in your body, with some fibres (insoluble fibres) not being broken down at all and instead slowly pass through the body – all whilst keeping you feeling full and supressing appetite.

So by simply paying attention to what you eat and prioritising both fibre and protein at meals is one the best ways to keep cravings at bay, to suppress hunger and prevent over-eating..

If you like the idea of filling up on fibre and protein but (like me) like the idea of short cut even more then a daily Pretty Pea vegan protein shake ticks the box. At 19g of protein plus a whole host of vitamins these high-fibre shakes are the easy solution to topping up your daily nutrient needs whilst keeping you feeling full and satisfied.


Many women don’t get enough protein. At Pretty Pea we recommend protein is consumed at every meal (and snack). The recommended RDA for women is 0.8g of protein per kg of bodyweight. So for example if you weigh 75kg you’d need 60g of protein per day. Split between 3 meals and it’s do-able.


If you want to lose weight then your protein requirements increases. Yes increases. Essentially double up to between 1.6g to 2.2g per kg of bodyweight.

If you are carrying a lot of body fat then use your goal weight for this calculation. It’s lean body bass that determines your protein requirement.

Consuming this amount of protein can seem daunting to some, it did to me, which is why I have 2 vegan protein shakes per day. It just makes it far easier to get my protein needs. Protein really is filling, consume the right amount and they’ll be no room for unscheduled snacking or cravings.

A Pretty Pea protein shake will have you feeling full for hours. Plus when they taste as good as they do they are something to look forward to. We also give you a Smoothie Guide as we recommend adding in extra nutrients as necessary to suit your own individual diet and requirements.

Protein is also the most thermogenic food group. Your body expends more energy breaking down and digesting protein. So each time you consume protein your body is burning more energy, aka calories.

For a free plan to get you started losing weight check out the Pretty Pea Body Plan.


Soluble fibre absorbs water in the digestive tract and delays stomach emptying – both of which keep you feeling full and help keep the urge to snack at bay. Good sources of soluble fibre include apples, barley, beans, blackberries, figs, kiwi, lentils and nuts, and seeds. Enjoy these as part of your everyday diet and acts as natural appetite suppressants.


One particular fibre that acts as an appetite suppressant is Glucomannan, derived from the Konjac Root. It’s a viscous fibre taken as a supplement proven to be effective in reducing appetite and reducing hunger pangs. It gets to work suppressing appetite as it naturally expands, absorbing water and swelling in size taking up room in the stomach and promoting a feeling of fullness. Backed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as an effective weight loss aid it’s one of the active ingredients in Pretty Pea’s Appetite Control supplement. Alternatively Glucomannan can also be found in Shirataki rice and noodles.


Another particular high fibre food to get to know is the chicory root. This particular fibre-rich food is rich in inulin, a type of prebiotic fibre that your body can’t break down and digest fully. It takes up space in your stomach and can help slow down stomach emptying thereby helping suppress appetite. Chicory root is just one of the Superfoods blended with the unflavoured Pretty Pea Protein explaining just why it keeps you feeling full for so long.


The Pretty Pea Smoothie Guide also recommends turning your shake into a antioxidant-rich super-satiating superfood smoothie by adding in some real fruit & veggies. It can be as easy as throwing in some fresh or frozen berries and dark green leafy greens or getting as creative as you choose. Raw veggies packed full of filling fibre should be high up on your list of natural appetite suppressants to keep those hunger pangs at bay.

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To set your digestion up and prevent over-eating try eating digestive bitters and bitter green before your meal. Bitter greens include kale, turnip greens and bitter tasting herbs such as artichoke essentially work by ‘waking up’ your digestive system by stimulating the production of bile and stomach acid. The bitter taste may also stimulate the production of hormones that control appetite and satiety.


Along with fibre, Protein are natural appetite suppressants. Protein is one of the most filling foods you can consume. It will keep you full for hours. Plus it doesn’t raise your blood glucose levels like carbohydrates does, so can help weight loss / weight management.

For high protein foods think free range chicken and turkey breast and fish. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, eggs are all high in protein. In addition, you can of course supplement with protein powder. See more on the benefits of pea protein.

Chia seeds are also a popular addition to a filling protein smoothie. These tiny seeds really do live up to their superfood label with a powerful punch of macronutrients protein, fibre, healthy omega 3 fatty acids and are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So whether you add them to your smoothie, make a chia pudding or sprinkle on a salad then can be a good addition to your arsenal of natural appetite suppressants.


Almonds are a popular snacking nut. They are packed with protein, fibre and healthy fats all of which help you feel full. A small handful a day makes the pretty perfect snack, as does almond and other nut butters.


Another seed that can help your waist line is fenugreek. One 2010 study showed that fenugreek decreased dietary fat consumption in 39 healthy, overweight men. How to use fenugreek: sprinkle your dishes, add to your homemade sauces or munch on some seeds when you’re hungry.


Being a good source of fibre it’s easy to see why oatmeal is a staple in many people’s diet. It’s fibre-rich foods such as these that can slow the digestion of food which can help to keep blood sugars stable. A serving of oatmeal or oat bran cereal can provide around 3-4g of fibre. Research suggest that those who eat oatmeal are more likely to be healthier and have a lower body weight compared to those who don’t eat oatmeal. For example, a study review showed oats had a positive effect on satiety after meals. “


The combination of fat and fibre get avocado’s on the list of foods that fill you up. One study found that by replacing carbohydrates in a high carb meal with avocado increased feelings of satiety and also elevated the hormones that control the feelings of satiety. Try adding half an avocado to your diet on a regular basis and you’ll not only feel naturally full but be topping up on fibre, healthy fats plus essential vitamins and minerals.


Need an excuse to eat chocolate? Here you have it. It’s believed a component in dark chocolate called stearic can help slow digestion which may in turn help you feel fuller for longer. One study showed that compared to consuming 100g milk chocolate, participants who consumed 100g of dark chocolate (70% cocoa) felt significantly more full and less hungry. So when chocolate cravings strike reach for a minimum of 70% cocoa (or a Pretty Pea Chocolate & Vitamins Protein Shake). Did you know in times gone by that cacao was revered as the ‘drink of the Gods’.


No list of natural appetite suppressants would be complete without the addition of spices. So how do they work, well eating spicy foods can dull your taste buds meaning you crave less, they can cause you to slow down while eating (so you eat less overall) and they also have what’s known as a thermogenic effect which can boost metabolism. Cayenne contains a compound called capsaicin but other spicy foods may have similar effects. Try adding one half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to a meal can help boost your metabolism and keep hunger at bay.

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Cinnamon has a positive effect on blood sugar levels so make it a welcome addition to your meals or even smoothies. To suppress appetite add 1-2 teaspoons. One study showed that it may help delay the emptying of food from the stomach meaning you stay feeling fuller for longer.


Garlic contains oligo-fructose, a type of prebiotic fibre. which can in turn affect your hunger hormone ghrelin. A study showed that those who consumed an oligo-fructose supplement over 12 weeks had decreased ghrelin levels, as well as increased levels of peptide YY (hormone which promotes satiety after eating).


Ginger has long been used traditionally for it’s beneficial properties in the digestive tract and it’s believed to help suppress appetite too. Try adding 2-3 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger to your food or drinks each day. A  study found that those who had consumed ginger had less of an appetite 3 hours later compared to those who hadn’t consumed ginger.


Peppermint is another traditionally used herbal, used for both stress relief and as a digestive soothing herb. It’s believed the scent can also help curb hunger. A study found that those who sniffed peppermint every two hours for 5 days ate 2,800 less calories over the course of 7 days.


Water is one of simplest of natural appetite suppressants. Staying hydrated is such simple way to keep your body feeling satisfied. Women’s body’s are around 55-60% water – slightly less than men. Men typically have more muscle mass and women carry more bodyfat instead. Fat tissue doesn’t contain as much water as muscle tissue. Staying hydrated is important as thirst can often disguised as hunger. We all know that feeling when we start to feel tired and reach for the quick energy fix. Water really does revitalise the mind and body. Foods that are high in water content and fibre, such as watermelon and celery, also make good choices. Pair celery with some almond or peanut butter for the pretty perfect combination. Ideal for a quick and easy snack.

See how many of these you can include in your diet each day to feel naturally full.

See more on Appetite Control and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

For motivation and inspiration here’s your free 7 day Weight Loss Plan.