Hormone Balance Supplements 

Perimenopause usually starts in our 40’s, and can even start sooner,  bringing with it common menopause symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, low libido, anxiety, depression, menopause weight gain, joint pain, insomnia, hot flushes to name a few. Pretty Pea’s MENO range of natural menopause supplements combine the essential vitamins and minerals women need with powerful traditional herbals, adaptogens and roots specifically designed to bring PMS and menopause relief for a natural alternative to HRT.

hormone balance supplement, menopause supplements, hormone harmony


Hormone Balance, PMS & Menopause Relief

Menopause supplements for hormone balance. Relief from menopause symptoms, perimenopause and PMS.

Balance your hormones naturally at every stage of life.

Balance is a targeted solution for menopause relief, with a unique & powerful combination of natural isoflavones, vitamins, minerals and well known womens herbals that are traditionally used for hot flushes such as red clover, wild yam, sage leaf, pfaffi.

Plus with nutrients that promote feelings of wellbeing and vitality such as Siberian Ginseng, soya isoflavones, vitamins B6 and testosterone supporting zinc.


menopause supplements, weight loss supplements


Menopause Weight Loss Supplement

The all in one hormone regulation and weight loss capsules.

On average women gain 2-5 pounds during menopause, with some women being at risk for greater weight gains.

There is also a hormone driven shift in body fat distribution with fat shifting to the abdominal area during the menopause transition, which can increase health risks in women. 

MENO WEIGHT is the all in one thermogenic fat metaboliser for women approaching perimenopause, menopause and beyond.

A menopause weight loss supplement that supports the body’s natural fat burning processes whilst supporting appetite control, energy levels, thyroid function, carbohydrate, lipid and fatty acid metabolism, stable blood sugar levels and other vital aspects of effective weight loss.

The ultimate all in one nutrition-hack for menopause weight loss and on-going weight management support.




Love & Libido Supplement 

Is your feminine energy dipping? A common menopause symptom is low libido and lack of energy.

MACA is part of the Pretty Balanced range of natural menopause supplements.

A specialist Maca Root, herb, mineral and essential amino acid formula with herbal ingredients that have been traditionally used for centuries as natural aphrodisiacs and libido boosters.

Designed to support sexual health, energy, libido, fertility and reproduction, plus skin, hair, nails, bones and vision and heart health.



maca, maca supplements, menopause supplements
seaweed supplements, seamoss, seaweed


Detox Supplement 

Pretty Cleansed is much more than your average organic iodine tablets that support thyroid hormones and metabolism.

It combines some of the best natural ingredients from both the earth’s soils and planets sea’s that powerfully alkalize, cleanse & detox, with heavy metal cleaning of the system.

These  supercharged organic iodine tablets include Spirulina, Chlorella, Green Tea, Ashwagandha, Cayenne and Artichoke to provide total body nourishment and a metabolism boost for women.

If you’re experiencing unexplained weight gain, mood swings or hormonal imbalance Pretty Cleansed could be your very solution and the solution to stubborn weight loss resistance.




Brain food nootropic supplement

Do you suffer brain fog? Lose clarity & focus?

MIND+ is a powerful brain food supplement, a natural nootropic to to help reduce tiredness and fatigue.

A nutritional cognitive enhancer containing vitamins, minerals and herbals to support mental performance, memory, concentration, focus and energy levels and much more.



nootropic supplements, brain supplements
ashwagandha supplement

ZEN Ashwagandha

Stress & Adrenal support  

Stress, lack of energy, hormones can all make us feel frazzled, anxious or run down.

ZEN is an adaptogen adrenal formula designed to combat adrenal fatigue and stress.

ZEN combines specialist adaptogens, herbs, roots and vitamins, specifically formulated to deal with stress and adrenal fatigue and hormone health.

Whilst also supporting your immune system, energy levels, mental performance and bringing you a general sense of calmness, clarity, focus and vitality.



menopause shake, menopause nutrition, soy protein shake

Menopause nutrition shake 

Soy protein is a popular natural menopause remedy as it contains phytoestrogen isoflavones. 

Phytoestrogens are presently the most popular form of alternative therapy for support of menopausal symptoms, besides HRT. Their chemical structure and efficacy are almost similar to oestradiol. 

Pretty Pea Vitamin Protein shakes are the easy way to get your daily essential vitamins and minerals.

Natural flavourings of either chocolate or vanilla these nutrition shakes are perfect anytime of day at under 100 calories, high protein, high fibre, low fat and low carb.

The pretty perfect way to help balance hormones and manage weight at the same time.



sleep aid supplements, sleep supplement


Mind & Body Supplement 

Restless disturbed sleep and insomnia leave us feeling tired and irritable the next day.

Poor sleep not only affects the quality of our day but can also impact the quality of our life and is even linked to weight gain.

SLEEP+ is a natural sleep aid combining relaxation and sleep promoting vitamins, minerals, traditional herbals and amino acids that can help you get back into a good sleep routine.



fluid, water retention, water balance supplement


Diuretic Water Retention

Do you experience excess water retention (non medical oedema)? Or are you one of the many women that experiences uncomfortable abdominal bloating during each monthly cycle, or even puffiness of the ankles, knees or fingers?

If this is you then know that FLUID has been designed specifically with you in mind.




hormone supplement, detox supplement, natural detox, liver supplement, liver detox, hormone imbalance, vegan supplements, hormone supplements, menopause supplements,


Detox liver supplement

Estrogen dominance, stubborn weight loss resistance are just two reasons your liver could do with some love.

Detox’s aren’t just for January! Our liver is a busy organ and modern lifestyles and environmental toxins demand even more than ever from our liver.

Primarily known for it’s detoxification and fat metabolising functions, your liver is constantly on the go working to remove harmful substances such as alcohol & toxins, infections and excess hormones from your body.

It’s responsible for filtering & neutralising toxins in the blood alongside breaking down the fats you eat and the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates.

A diet high in processed foods, the usual over-indulgences, hormone imbalance or simple self-love and balancing your body are just some of the reasons you should give your body a daily detox.

If your body is prioritising removing toxins and excess hormones it’s not fat burning optimally. Daily Detox support could just be the key to stubborn weight loss resistance.



Joint support vegan collagen supplement

Sore joints are one of the most common symptoms of menopause.

Declining estrogen receptors in the joints and declining collagen levels can both impact and our joints, cartilage and skin elasticity as we age.

This vegan formula combines our highest grade Glucosamine HCL, MSM, Vitamin C and added herbals to give support to collagen formation, bone and cartilage function to promote healthy joints, connective tissues and flexible comfortable movements.



joint supplement, collagen supplement, menopause supplements, menopause, perimenopause, menopause symptoms, early menopause, menopause test, menopause weight gain, menopause age, average age of menopause, menopause, what is menopause


Pretty Woman Package – 6 months supply

You already look after your Hair, Skin & Nails on the outside so picture the results if you show them the same love from the inside also. It makes sense to nourish from within starting at a deep cellular level and continue to nourish each and every layer of your skin on a daily basis just as you do on the outside.

It’s not just your skin that benefits from this collagen and hyaluronic acid complex. Your hair and nails are protein based too and will flourish when nourished with the 15 vitamins, antioxidant and herbals packed into these pretty capsules.

Beauty is skin deep and with this 6 month bundle you can look and feel your most confident self on both the inside and outside every single day.

The longer you take these capsules  the better the results as the nutrients continue feeding your cells and deep layers of your skin and tissues.

Package contains 180 capsules. One capsule to be taken daily with meals. Dairy & Gluten Free, Contains Marine Collagen.


Individually priced products total £77.97

SPECIAL OFFER £57.50 with free delivery (you save £20.47)

skin supplements, collagen supplements
See the Pretty Packages page for more offers on menopause supplements.

More information about each product can be found on the individual product pages. As with all supplements, food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor before taking any food supplements or changing your diet.

Collagen Supplements

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