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Flaxseed smoothies, so many benefits

Cate Boyd avatar
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Flaxseed benefits

So what’s just so good about these teeny tiny seeds? What are the flaxseed benefits? This wonderfood also known as linseed has been noted to lift depression, aid concentration, boost energy levels and balance hormones. Pretty impressive you’d agree, and here’s why they are such powerhouses.

Flaxseed nutrients

  • Fibre
  • Protein
  • Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids
  • Lignans

By adding a serving of flaxseeds to your breakfast smoothie you’ve started your day with essential fibre, protein and healthy fat. Studies show that when you start your day with a healthy breakfast you’re more likely to eat healthier throughout the day too.

Flaxseeds vitamins and minerals

  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Folic Acid
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
Add Flaxseeds to your Pretty Pea Protein Smoothie
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Flaxseed benefits in menopause

Traditionally flaxseeds have been used for a whole host of conditions ranging from arthritis, skin disease to malnutrition. Moreover for PMS and fertility and can help perimenopause symptoms such as mood swings, hot flushes and disrupted sleep.

Flaxseeds are rich in compounds called lignans which the body then uses to balance fluctuating hormone levels. So what are lignans, well they are compounds that are converted by your friendly gut bacteria into phytoestrogens called enterolactone and enterodiol. These compounds have also been found to provide protection against breast cancer.

It’s these phytoestrogens that are believed to mimic estogen in our body, which is one of the sex hormones in rapid decline during peri-menopause and menopause along with progesterone and testosterone.

Flaxseeds also contain vitamin E which help give skin a youthful glow and glossy hair.

The copper content also aids the formation of collagen, the very glue that holds our skin together and keeps it from sagging, wrinkling and losing elasticity.

The calcium and magnesium content together support strong bones and magnesium also helps muscle cramps and releases energy.

Post menopause women are at higher risk of heart disease. Omega 3 is renowned for it’s heart health and circulation benefits.

What’s not to love?!

Add a tablespoon to your smoothies, sprinkle on your salad, add to your baking or you can even use as a face mask by adding just a drop of essential oils. It’s worth to note that whilst flaxseed oil is still high in omegas, it doesn’t contain these lignan compounds and also it loses much of its value when heated.

Brain food

Flaxseeds are one of the richest sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) an omega 3 essential fatty acid (EFA) that is renowned for its mind and body benefits. Omega 3 fuels cognitive function, including concentration, stable moods along with promoting hormonal balance and a happy nervous system. If you’re experiencing brain fog, memory loss or a lack of focus and concentration or experiencing mood swings and irritability, check if you need to top up your Omega 3 intake.

Omega benefits

One of the ways that omega 3s help to keep the brain and nervous system happy is by allowing cells to function and communicate effectively with one another. This communication can help prevent many disorders that we would class as psychological.

However, this communication can be compromised as our body’s ability to use Omega 3 is reduced by saturated and hydrogenated fats as they compete for the same receptors in our body. So try cut down on these type of fats. Foods rich in vitamins B3, B6 and C plus minerals zinc and magnesium help the body absorb ALA.

Flaxseeds also aid mental alertness and help boost memory.

Flaxseed and their omegas are also vital for energy production, oxygen transfer and fat transportation. Therefore they may help maintain the body’s tissue cells, reproductive organs, muscles and eyes.

Because omegas are used in cell communication it makes sense that they have a wide range of benefits in the body, including (and not limited to):




Anti-inflammatory benefiting conditions such as arthritis and asthma

Heart health as they hep reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and plaque forming in artery walls

Encourages weight loss by removing excess fluid from tissues and boosting metabolism helping the body burn more calories

Contains soluble fibre to balance blood sugar levels

Ease constipation with a gentle laxative effect

Contain anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties

It’s zinc + selenium boost the immune system, protecting against infections

It’s iron + copper keep your red blood cells happy and healthy

Knowing just how essential Omegas are to a happy healthy mind and body they are part of the Pretty Pea supplement range.

omega fish oil
Make sure you’re getting enough Omega via your diet, if not consider supplementing
menopause, perimenopause, menopause symptoms, menopause relief, menopause supplement, perimenopause symptoms, perimenopause relief, flaxseed, flaxseed benefits, flaxseed smoothie
Balance your hormones naturally with Pretty Pea Balance


If you’re approaching perimenopause, menopause or finding it more difficult to lose weight as you get older you’ll find this post useful. By understanding your body better you can adopt the changes necessary for your body.

You’ll also find this recent study published in the Science journal 12/8/2021 helpful as it confirms that our metabolic rate doesn’t actually slow down until age 60, whereas it was previously thought it slowed around 40.

So if you are struggling to lose weight know that it is possible – you don’t have to accept the middle age spread (if you don’t want to).

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One response to “Flaxseed smoothies, so many benefits”

  1. […] these healthy fats include fatty fish, such as mackerel, salmon and anchovies plus seeds such as flaxseeds, chia and hemp. These type of seeds make for an easy addition to your […]