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What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause

Cate Boyd avatar
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What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause

What the most common signs of menopause that affect women? Here is a list of the 34 symptoms of menopause:




Body Odour

Breast Pain

Brittle Nails

Burning Tongue


Difficulty Concentrating

Digestive Issues


Electric Shocks


Gum Issues

Hair Loss


Hot Flushes


Irregular Heartbeat

Irregular Periods


Itchy Skin

Joint Pain

Lack of Libido

Memory Loss

Mood Swings

Muscle Tension

Night Sweats


Panic Attacks

Sleep Issues

Tingling in fingers & toes

Vaginal Dryness

Weight Gain

Menopause symptoms

Upto 90% of women experience menopause gain weight

85% of women experience hot flushes

3 out of 4 experience night sweats

80% suffer from menopause tiredness & fatigue

75% of women have changes in their mood

Around 40% experiencing loss of libido.

With these stats, know that you’re not alone.

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How long does menopause last

On average a woman will typically begin to experience menopause symptoms around her mid-40s. These symptoms of fluctuating and declining hormones are known as perimenopause symptoms. From the start of these hormone changes it can be months or years before a woman has her last period.

For most women, by the time they have reached menopause their symptoms have started to ease.

When it comes to how long symptoms can typically last there is a wide bracket. Anywhere between 2-10 years.

With the average menopause symptoms lasting 4 years

Because of these fluctuating hormones this is when many women will experience their most intense symptoms. Intense symptoms such as hot flushes, irregular periods and night sweats.

What is the average age of menopause

Menopause is when a woman has had no periods for 12 consecutive months. The average age of menopause being 51. After this, many women’s symptoms will start to ease and resolve.

Early Menopause

Women can experience early menopause too. An early menopause may be more common that you realise as 1 in 100 women experience menopause before the age of 40. This is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency.

Post-menopause symptoms

Post menopause women are at higher risk of osteoporosis (weak bones) and heart disease. This is why it’s always advisable to discuss your symptoms with your GP.

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Get your levels checked by your GP

If you can relate to any of these symptoms and your symptoms are affecting the quality of your life in any way, which they no doubt are if you’re reading this, then please do seek medical advice. Request to get your hormone levels tested (for free) along with your bloods to check for any nutrient deficiencies that could also be affecting how you are feeling.

In addition there are dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to help balance both your hormones and help you manage your symptoms.

The decision whether H.R.T. is suitable for you is very much an individual decision based on your individual circumstances and medical history. It’s something you should discuss directly with your doctor and no-one else.

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DISCLAIMER The information provided on is for education purposes only. The information provided is based on my own experience as well as my own interpretations of current research available at the time. This page does not provide medical advice; it is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore obtaining or following professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the internet. Always seek professional medical advice.

4 responses to “What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause”

  1. […] is a full list of the 34 menopause symptoms. Typically the most common symptoms are hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia and weight […]

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