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Menopause Supplements

Menopause Weight Loss Supplements

I am on day 5 and already see a big difference. My bloating is gone, I feel lighter and I have lost my appetite, which is great as I used to snack constantly. At the same time my energy level is high, so win win

FeelING PRETTY good starts on the inside

The All in One Supplement with Targeted Support for Women 40+

Weight Loss for Women

Targeted Weight Loss support for Women

gut health supplements, fibre

Portion Control

Take 30 Minutes Before Meals to Fill Up on Feel Full Fibre

Hormone Balance

Supports Hormone Regulation, production of Thyroid Hormones & Testosterone Blood Levels

Digestive Bloat

Feel the Benefits of Increasing your Daily Fibre Intake

Energy Levels

Vitamins and Traditionally used Energising Herbals help Reduce Tiredness & Fatigue

weight loss supplements, weight loss, womens weight loss, weightloss

Blood Sugar Levels

Contributes to normal Blood Sugar Levels to better manage Energy Crashes & Cravings

Metabolic Support

Contributes to normal Energy yielding Metabolism, Lipid (fat) & Carbohydrate Metabolism

Natural Detox

A Healthy Liver is needed for Optimum Fat Loss, Removal of Toxins & Excess Estrogen (Estrogen Dominance)

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Meno belly

July 30, 2024

I’ve finally lost some weight.


Meno Weight Benefits

Benefits Summary


Feeling good starts at a cellular level. With 16 active ingredients these menopause supplements can benefit both how you look and how you feel from the inside out.

Here’s a summary of some of the key benefits:


Increased daily fibre intake. Most women are only consuming around half of the recommended daily 30g of fibre.


Meno Weight contains a combination of nutrients that support weight loss and appetite control.

Glucomannan promotes control of energy intake and reduces the risk of developing obesity.

Studies show it can result in significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals.

Studies also show that Green Tea and Capsicum may be helpful in reducing energy (calorie) intake and supporting weight loss periods by sustaining satiety and suppressing hunger.

A 2016 randomized, double blind study demonstrated that 12 weeks treatment with high dose (857 mg EGCG) green tea (GT) extract resulted in significant weight loss in women with central obesity. 

Guarana is a herb almost identical to caffeine used by Amazonian tribes traditionally to reduce hunger & break down fat.


Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormone activity.

Zinc contributes to normal testosterone levels in the blood.

Chromium contributes to normal blood glucose levels, (affecting fat storage hormone insulin).


Metabolism refers to a ‘series of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to sustain life.‘ 

Meno Weight can support your metabolism in a multitude of ways:

Iodine contributes to the normal normal energy-yielding metabolism and production of thyroid hormones & thyroid function (which controls our energy metabolism).

L-tyrosine, is a precursor to T4 thyroid hormone, thyroxine.

Choline contributes to normal lipid metabolism, (lipids are fat-like substances in our blood) and homocysteine metabolism. The liver has a pivotal role in both fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Choline supports the liver and its weight loss functions helping break down and converting stored fat into energy.

Zinc supports normal carbohydrate & macronutrient metabolism & metabolism of fatty acids.

Chromium contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism.

Meno Weight combines thermogenic ingredients that help increase energy expenditure, calorie-burning & fat breakdown

Green Tea is a rich source of powerful catechin polyphenols (EGCG).

Raspberry (raspberry ketones), contains a natural phenolic compound that may help support lipolysis & increase the rate at which calories are burned.

Guarana is a herb traditionally used to reduce hunger & break down fat.

Black pepper (piperine) is thermogenic and supports weight loss by increasing thermogenic activity in the body.

Thermogenesis is the way of developing cellular energy in the body which results in an increase in metabolic rate.

Piperine is also known to potentiate the absorption and effect of other herbal ingredients.


Chromium contributes to normal blood sugar levels. This in turn helps control our fat storage hormone Insulin.

Chromium enhances insulin action, increasing the number of insulin receptors and intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fat and in the oxidative state.

Keeping blood sugar levels stable and preventing insulin spikes is vital to move the body out of fat storage mode and in fat burning function.

Choline supports the liver in its role of breaking down carbohydrates helping maintain consistent blood sugar levels.

African Mango, is a super-fruit used in traditional and ethnic based medicine with great success, having high ethno-medicinal values (ethnic/plant based medicine). Rich in bioactive compounds this traditional African remedy is used to support healthy blood fat and glucose values & ‘hunger hormone’ leptin levels and more.

Now studied in the West, it has been evidenced as being effective in reducing body weight and improving metabolic parameters in overweight people.


Vitamin B6 contributes to normal psychological function.

Iodine, Zinc, Choline and L-Tyrosine all contribute to normal cognitive function.

Cognition referring to the mental processes of thinking, perception, memory, learning, attention, focus, decision making and language abilities

Everyday functions which the term menopause brain fog affects.

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid which is a precursor of ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters which are important contributors to mood, cognitive functions and for managing stress.

Chronic stress can hinder weight loss. Stress is an often overlooked contributor of weight gain & abdominal fat in particular.

Powerful herb Siberian Ginseng has been used in Eastern remedies for thousands of years. As an adaptogen it helps the body manage both physical and mental stress by adapting the stress response and regulating the body both up and down as required.

Choline also contributes to normal cognitive and neurological function.


Glucomannan is a source of soluble fibre and supports a happy digestive system and popular for help with constipation.

Black pepper can also support a happy digestion as it promotes proper stomach function. Consuming black pepper stimulates the release of enzymes in your pancreas and intestines that help digest fat and carbohydrates.


Meno Weight contains vitamins to help reduce tiredness & fatigue, plus traditional energising herbals such as Caffeine and Guarana.

Vitamin B6 contributes to a reduction in tiredness & fatigue, to help you regain your energy and feel like you again;

Caffeine and Guarana are similar, both being powerful natural stimulants used to control hunger, appetite, boost energy levels & mental clarity.

Guarana has been used as a healing plant since ancient times. A plant-based nootropic used to improve cognitive abilities.

Its name comes from the word guaraná, which has its origin in the Sateré-Maué word for a plant, warana, which in Tupi-Guarani means ‘God’s eyes.’

Guarana can temporarily increase energy levels, it has the ability to “free” fatty acids (fat cells) into the bloodstream so they can be broken down & used as energy.

Adaptogen Siberian Ginseng is also widely used in Asia as a natural energiser.


Vitamin B6 contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, skin, nails, teeth and bones.

How many servings


Contains 90 Vegan Easy Take Capsules

1 serving = 2 capsules

How to use


Take 2 capsules with a large glass of water approximately 30-60 minutes before each meal.

For best results take 3x daily before each mealtime. 

For those who do not currently consume much fibre on a daily basis, or those with a sensitive digestion, it’s advisable to start on a reduced dose and build up gradually every 3-4 days to allow the body to acclimatize to the fibre content. Too much too soon may cause temporary digestive upset in some people with a sensitive digestion.

As with all supplements do not exceed the recommended amount.

What’s Inside?

Glucomannan & Weight Loss



Glucomannan is a key Meno Weight ingredient. High in dietary fibre, Glucomannan is popular for constipation, bloating relief and weight loss, with its ability to decrease digestive transit time and is classed as a “bulk-forming laxative.

Glucomannan is especially effective for womens weight loss and weight management.

Studies show that at the correct dose contained in these capsules it can result in significant weight loss in overweight and obese individuals.


With many supplements nowadays purporting to support weight loss, Glucomannan is approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to support weight loss, using 3g per day.

(1g x 3 to be taken before each meal and in the context of a calorie controlled diet)

Glucomannan differs from most other soluble fibres, it is exceptionally viscous, making it particularly effective for weight loss.

It’s a natural water soluble fibre extracted from the Konjac plant with an exceptional ability to absorb water up to 50 times its weight.

It cannot be digested by human salivary and pancreatic amylase so it passes relatively unchanged into the colon, where it is fermented by the gut microbiota 

In transit it works by absorbing water in your stomach and then gently expands promoting satiety.

For weight loss benefits glucomannan needs to be taken before meals.

Timings will vary per individual and recommended ranges are from 15 minutes to 1 hour before meals.  

Glucomannan contributes to weight loss 6 ways

Reduction in body weight is obtained with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three doses of 1 g each, together with 1-2 glasses of water, before meals and in the context of an energy-restricted diet. Here’s how:

1. Leaves you feeling naturally full (satiety) and satisfied as it takes up space in the stomach, helping reduce food intake.

2. It delays stomach emptying, keeping you feeling fuller for longer, decreasing hunger and the urge to snack.

3. It’s very low in calories.

4. Helps to decrease caloric absorption by binding with fat.

5. It also feeds the friendly bacteria in your intestine, which turn it into short-chain fatty acids, like butyrate, which have been shown to protect against fat gain in animal studies.

6. Feeding your gut bacteria may also have other benefits. Studies have shown a correlation between body weight and altered gut bacteria.

Glucomannan & Longevity



Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the UK and a woman’s risk increases post menopause.

As of 2018 unhealthy cholesterol levels has become more common in women than men.

Glucomannan may improve some heart disease risk factors.

It contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels with a daily intake of 4g glucomannan.

It primarily reduces blood cholesterol by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol in the gut.

According to a systematic review of 14 studies, glucomannan can lower:

Total cholesterol by 19 mg/dL (0.5 mmol/L).

“Bad” LDL cholesterol by 16 mg/dL (0.4 mmol/L).

Triglycerides by 11 mg/dL (0.12 mmol/L).

Fasting blood sugar by 7.4 mg/dL (0.4 mmol/L).

According to this research, glucomannan has the potential to lower the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

How Much Weight Loss is Achievable


Weight loss is highly individual . Many factors impact an individuals rate of weight loss, with both internal factors (eg, health/medical status) and external factors (eg, environmental/lifestyle).

For general guidance here are some examples of research carried out on glucomannan and weight loss. Please also refer to the General Weight Loss Guidance notes below.

Studies indicate that consumption of an additional 14 g/day fibre for >2 days is associated with a 10% decrease in energy intake and body weight loss of 1.9 kg over 3.8 months.

Furthermore, obese individuals may exhibit a greater suppression of energy intake and body weight loss (mean energy intake in all studies was reduced to 82% by higher fibre intake in overweight/obese people versus 94% in lean people; body weight loss was 2.4 kg versus 0.8 kg). 


For most women 40+ additional body fat can start to appear as the body changes. For many women it can feel as it’s appeared from no-where as lifestyles may not have changed.

Your body, however, is changing and this is one way it’s telling you to start making some changes too. Because without making any changes the extra weight will likely be here to stay – but the good news is you can make some changes. You’ve already made a start being here and looking at solutions.

During perimenopause increased body fat often starts to accumulate around the hips & thighs and this typically shifts to around the abdomen at menopause and post menopause.

Weight loss takes time. Pre-menopause the typical weight loss for those following a calorie controlled diet is 1lb per week.

Weight loss does get harder with age as the body changes. It’s no longer just a case of calories in v calories out . Whilst eating a bit less and moving more is the obvious starting point – being in a calorie deficit is just one variable. Weight loss is complex with many variables involved.

Other common variables impacting womens weight loss include: underlying health issues, medications, hormone imbalances, insulin resistance, stress, sleep issues, reduced muscle mass and slower metabolism. Any of these can make weight loss feel almost impossible at times, let alone a combination of these. You can read more at our BLOG page Reason’s You’re Not Losing Weight

Results can fluctuate weekly, even daily. Weight loss is not linear – it doesn’t follow a straight path. The scales can even fluctuate up to 5lb on any given day. Focus on the bigger overall picture.

The scales are not your only measure of success, how you feel, how your clothes fit, energy levels, improved sleep etc all matter and have a knock on effect on each other.

If you do want to use scales we recommend using bio-impedance scales, as these are helpful to measure other factors that include BMR (basal metabolic rate), muscle mass and water levels. These scales can help shift your focus to increasing hydration and all important muscle mass (which in turn affects your metabolism) and also understanding your BMR – the minimum amount of calories your body needs.

You can achieve ANYTHING with persistence and consistency.

If you would like to receive a complimentary weight loss guide to accompany your supplements please reach out to us at

Vitamins & Minerals

Hormone Balance for Women

Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormone activity and reducing tiredness and fatigue.

Zinc contributes to normal testosterone levels.

Iodine contributes to the normal production of thyroid hormones & thyroid function (which controls our metabolism).

Chromium is an essential trace mineral involved in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism that contributes to normal blood glucose levels.

During weight loss studies it has been shown to improve body composition by helping to maintain lean body mass. (so you are losing body fat, not just body weight). Preserving lean body mass (muscle) is vital for long term results.

For example one study reported statistically significant improvement in body composition after 90 days of supplementation with 400 mcg/day of chromium in 122 subjects who continued with their normal physical and dietary habits. Chromium picolinate supplementation not only lead to weight loss, but also favourable body composition changes, as the weight lost was 98% fat mass and only 2% lean body mass.

Insulin is the body’s fat storing hormone. Chromium facilitates the action of insulin, and has been shown to improve glycemic control in diabetes. Enhanced insulin action increases the rate of glucose and amino acid uptake in muscle cells.

Choline contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function. A healthy liver has a role in both fat loss and in removing excess estrogen and toxins in the body.

Zinc & Iodine contribute to the maintenance of normal hair, skin, nails, bones & vision.

Safety & Contraindications

Results may vary from person to person.

Do not exceed the recommended daily amount.

Store in a cool dry place, out of the reach of children.

Best before date: see base of container.

Warning: There is a risk of choking for people with swallowing difficulties and when ingested with inadequate fluid intake. Plenty of water should be consumed with these capsules to ensure they reach the stomach.

Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children or pregnant women.

Contains 50mg caffeine per 2 capsule serving. For comparison purposes the average cup of coffee contains in the region of 95mg.

High intakes of caffeine may cause insomnia and anxiety.

Caution: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. 

Not recommended to take alongside other products containing Glucomannan. (Appetite Weight Control/Pretty From Within)

A food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Always consult your GP before taking food supplements if you are taking medication or have an existing medical condition.

If you feel unwell, stop taking this product immediately and seek medical advice.


Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Body Composition Changes in Weight Loss: Strategies and Supplementation for Maintaining Lean Body Mass, a Brief Review (

Current Evidence to Propose Different Food Supplements for Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Review – PMC (

Iodine and normal thyroid function | EFSA (

Dietary Reference Values for iodine | EFSA (

Zinc related health claims | EFSA (

Chromium related health claims | EFSA (

Choline related health claims | EFSA (

Vitamin B6 related health claims | EFSA (

African mango (IGOB131): a proprietary seed extract of Irvingia gabonensis is found to be effective in reducing body weight and improving metabolic parameters in overweight humans – PubMed (

The role of carbohydrates in insulin resistance – PubMed (

Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review – PubMed (

Dietary fiber decreases the metabolizable energy content and nutrient digestibility of mixed diets fed to humans – PubMed (

Effect of glucomannan on obese patients: a clinical study – PubMed (

Effects of capsaicin, green tea and CH-19 sweet pepper on appetite and energy intake in humans in negative and positive energy balance – PubMed (

Irvingia gabonensis baill. (African Mango): A comprehensive review of its ethnopharmacological significance, unveiling its long-standing history and therapeutic potential – PubMed (

Piperine: A review of its biological effects – PubMed (

Nootropic Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees as Potential Cognitive Enhancers – PMC (

micronutrient guideline – Clinical Nutrition (

Green tea, weight loss and physical activity – Clinical Nutrition (

How to get more fibre into your diet – NHS (

Piperine inhibits gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit in rats and mice – PubMed (

(PDF) Pharmacological Basis for the Medicinal Use of Black Pepper and Piperine in Gastrointestinal Disorders (

The Effect of Dietary Supplements Containing Green Tea, Capsaicin and Ginger Extracts on Weight Loss and Metabolic Profiles in Overweight Women: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial – PubMed (

Chromium as an essential nutrient for humans – PubMed (

Chromium and insulin resistance – PubMed (

Green Tea ( Camellia sinensis): A Review of Its Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology – PubMed (

Green tea catechins, caffeine and body-weight regulation – PubMed (

Pharmacological effects of green tea on the gastrointestinal system – PubMed (

Anti obesity effects of green tea catechins: a mechanistic review – PubMed (

The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis | International Journal of Obesity (



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