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Weight Management Support with Plant-Powered Goodness!

Blood Glucose Levels

Help Slow the Release of Glucose into the Body after Meals & keeping Blood Sugar Levels Stable

Thyroid Hormones

Contributes to the normal production of Thyroid Hormones & Thyroid Function for a Healthy Metabolism

Fat Metabolism

Contributes to the normal Metabolism of Fat and Protein

Thermogenic Herbals

Thermogenic Herbals Cayenne & Cinnamon Traditionally used to Stimulate the Body

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Green Coffee Bean Benefits



High Strength Metabolic Formula

Our Green Coffee Bean capsules are a high-strength, natural slimming formula. These capsules contain green coffee bean (8000mg) derived from “raw” unroasted coffee beans and provides 50% chlorogenic acid (CGA).

Pretty Pea Green Coffee supplement is unique, combining blood sugar balancing Chromium Picolinate plus Kelp, Cinnamon and Cayenne for an additional metabolic kick.

Our active ingredients can help to slow the release of glucose into the body after a meal, keep blood sugar levels stable, support appetite control, reduce cravings and increase fat burning, thereby promote weight loss.

Metabolic Support

Macronutrient Metabolism

Maintenance of Blood Glucose Levels

Energy-Yielding Metabolism

Production of Thyroid Hormones and Thyroid Function

Cognitive Function

Nervous System Function

Skin Maintenance

How many servings


Contains 60 easy take vegan capsules.

How to use


Take 1 capsule, 1 to 3 times per day or as advised by your healthcare provider.

What’s Inside?

Green Coffee Bean


Green coffee extract is obtained from unroasted green coffee beans.

Green coffee naturally contains high levels of chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol, which is believed to be responsible for Green coffee’s weight loss effects.

Chlorogenic acid (CGA), is a nutrient largely destroyed during the roasting process, making unroasted Green Coffee Bean a vital source.

Our capsules preserves these high levels of CGA. What’s more, the concentrated green coffee bean extract used provides the equivalent of 8000mg.

CGA is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phenolic acid playing a role in both neuro- and hepatoprotection, and with lipid (fat) and glucose (sugar) lowering properties.

CGA helps to slows the release of glucose into the body after a meal, thereby promoting weight loss.

Studies show that CGA is an important and biologically active dietary polyphenol, playing several important and therapeutic roles such as:

antioxidant activity











free radicals scavenger

central nervous system (CNS) stimulator

Green Coffee bean also contains caffeine. Caffeine is a naturally occurring alkaloid with well-established stimulating properties. As a lipid soluble compound, it freely crosses the blood brain barrier thereby affecting neural function.

Caffeine also appears to suppress hunger and stimulate energy expenditure (EE) increased fat oxidation and brown adipose tissue activation.

The caffeine helps to release fatty acids from fat stored in the body, while the chlorogenic acid and its related compounds then help the liver to process these fatty acids more efficiently.

Several studies have evaluated how green coffee extracts, rich in both CGA and caffeine, have health benefits including proven effective in weight loss and weight management in obesity.

Research has found that caffeine and CGA in Green Coffee Bean can stimulate fatty acid oxidation and inhibit lipogenesis, which, in turn, decreases fat accumulation in the body.

A meta-analysis reported statistically significant weight loss after green coffee extract supplementation (180-200 mg/day) for a period of 4-12 weeks, with no side effects

Another systematic review and dose-response metanalysis highlighted the positive effects of caffeine consumption on weight and fat loss.

A meta-analysis of 15 randomized clinical trials showed that Green Coffee Bean in amounts ranging from 90–6000 mg/day containing 30–1200 mg/day CGA for 1–12 weeks significantly reduced body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference (WC) compared to the control group.


Green coffee bean extract can help to boost metabolism and burn fat at a faster rate by altering the way in which glucose is absorbed by the body.

The chlorogenic acid helps regulate metabolism, while the caffeic acids act as stimulants and thereby help to boost energy (but, unlike normal coffee, there is considerably less caffeine – so you benefit from higher energy levels without the jitters)!

Antioxidant properties

Green coffee bean extract has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than other established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract.

Compared to green tea and grape seed extract, green coffee bean extract is twice as effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals.

The chlorogenic acid helps to neutralise free radicals and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which can lead to cellular degeneration if left unchecked.

Blood Sugar Balance

The blood sugar-lowering effects of green coffee bean extract are due to its concentration of chlorogenic acids.

By helping to control blood sugar levels, green coffee bean extract prevents excess fat from being stored in the body.

Reduce Cravings

As a direct result of balanced blood sugar levels, the cravings often experienced during weight loss programmes can be reduced.




For additional metabolic support these capsules contain Chromium picolinate – the most absorbable form of chromium.

Chromium is involved in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and is combined with picolinic acid to enhance absorption.

Chromium is an essential nutrient required for the metabolism of glucose (sugar), blood lipids (blood fats) and insulin.

Chromium contributes to normal:

Macronutrient metabolism

Maintenance of normal blood glucose levels

Recent research has examined the role that chromium can play in helping to reduce food intake, suppress appetite and minimise food cravings. In studies it has been shown to:

facilitate the action of insulin

improve glycemic control in diabetes

improve body composition by helping to maintain lean body mass during weight loss

enhanced insulin action increases the rate of glucose and amino acid uptake in muscle cells.

contribute to weight loss by suppressing appetite and by stimulating thermogenesis, increasing energy expenditure.

Chromium Deficiency

Normal dietary intake of Chromium is suboptimal. Many of the population do not get enough chromium from food.

To make matters worse, the typical high-sugar diet of the West, can increase the elimination of chromium from the body.

Diets high in refined carbohydrates, are not only low in Chromium, but lead to enhanced Chromium losses.

In response to the consumption of refined carbohydrates, there is a rapid rise in blood sugar leading to elevations in insulin that cause a mobilization of Chromium. Once mobilized, Chromium is not reabsorbed but lost via the urine leading to decreased Chromium stores.

Insufficient dietary intake of Chromium leads to increased risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Many researchers believe that chromium deficiency may be a contributing factor to the increase in Type II diabetes cases.

The estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake is 50 to 200 microg. However, most diets contain less than 60% of the minimum suggested intake of 50 microg.

Studies show supplemental Chromium given to people with impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes can lead to improved blood glucose, insulin, and lipid variables.

Chromium has also been shown to improve lean body mass – vital for preserving long term results.

Kelp (Iodine)

Kelp is a natural superfood, a brown seaweed, packed with trace minerals, amino acids, vitamins and minerals providing a broad spectrum of nutrients.

Amongst its many nutrients, kelp is one of the best natural sources of iodine and it can provide adequate levels to stimulate a sluggish thyroid and encourage a healthy metabolism.

An efficient metabolism is key for maintaining ideal body weight and iodine is the catalyst that can jump-start metabolic processes.

The thyroid gland absorbs iodine, which is usually obtained by diet or supplementation, and subsequently releases the hormones that control metabolic function.

Kelp is rich in the mineral Iodine, which contributes to normal:

Cognitive function

Energy-yielding metabolism

Nervous system function

Maintenance of skin

Production of thyroid hormones and thyroid function

Kelp’s active ingredient with respect to fat metabolism is believed to be fucoxanthin.

In animal studies it has been demonstrated that long-term fucoxanthin supplementation can result in an increase in resting energy expenditure and weight loss.

Kelp is also rich in fucoidans (molecules found exclusively in seaweeds). These support both the immune system and cell function.

Our capsules contain Kelp Extract (a concentrated form of the actives in kelp powder).




Studies show that Cinnamon can support weight management in several ways;

(1) It has the ability to imitate the activity of insulin in the body, thereby helping regulate blood sugar levels so that excess fat does not build up and the body is less likely to experience hunger surges and cravings;

(2) In addition to sugar metabolism it can also positively affects the body’s ability to use its carbohydrate storage, so that carbohydrates are not converted into excess fat;

(3) On consumption, cinnamon can cause a metabolic reaction. Like when you eat hot peppers, the presence of cinnamon in the body can speed up the metabolism, as it takes extra energy to metabolise. This boost in metabolism allows the body to burn more calories and therefore assists with weight loss.

Our capsules contain Cinnamon Bark Extract (a concentrated form of the actives in cinnamon powder).

Cayenne pepper

Studies have shown that the red cayenne pepper could play a beneficial role as part of a weight management.

It’s been shown to curb appetite, stimulate circulation, speed up metabolism and help the body to burn extra calories – increasing the metabolic rate by as much as 25%, especially in overweight and obese people.

Capsaicin is the main active ingredient in cayenne pepper. Research has shown that it acts as a thermogenic agent (i.e, helps speed up metabolism and decreases appetite).

Increasing metabolism helps to burn fat faster, which in turn enhances energy production. 

Our formula uses cayenne pepper extract – a concentrated form of the actives in cayenne powder.

Safety & Contraindications

Results may vary from person to person.

Store in a cool dry place, out of the reach of children.

Best before date: see base of container.

Caution: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. 

A food supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Always consult your GP before taking food supplements if you are taking medication or have an existing medical condition.

If you feel unwell, stop taking this product immediately and seek medical advice.


Supplementation of green coffee bean extract in healthy overweight subjects increases lean mass/fat mass ratio: A randomized, double-blind clinical study – PMC (

Current Evidence to Propose Different Food Supplements for Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Review – PMC (

Lipolytic activity of Svetol®, a decaffeinated green coffee bean extract – PubMed (

Chlorogenic acid exhibits anti-obesity property and improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese mice – PubMed (

The effect of green-coffee extract supplementation on obesity: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – PubMed (

Chlorogenic acid (CGA): A pharmacological review and call for further research – PubMed (

The Use of Green Coffee Extract as a Weight Loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials – PMC (

Chlorogenic acids from green coffee extract are highly bioavailable in humans – PubMed (

Chlorogenic acid exhibits anti-obesity property and improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese mice – PubMed (

Supplements for weight loss: hype or help for obesity? Part II. The inside scoop on green coffee bean extract – PubMed (

Dietary Supplements for Weight Management: A Narrative Review of Safety and Metabolic Health Benefits – PMC (

Capsaicinoids and capsinoids. A potential role for weight management? A systematic review of the evidence – PubMed (

Could capsaicinoids help to support weight management? A systematic review and meta-analysis of energy intake data – PubMed (

Capsaicin and capsiate could be appropriate agents for treatment of obesity: A meta-analysis of human studies – PubMed (

Chromium related health claims | EFSA (

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Body Composition Changes in Weight Loss: Strategies and Supplementation for Maintaining Lean Body Mass, a Brief Review (

The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans | Semantic Scholar

Health claims already evaluated | EFSA (

Iodine related health claims | EFSA (

Iodine related health claims | EFSA (

Iodine and the growth of children | EFSA (



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